The overarching aim of the UK Events Industry Academy (UKEIA) is to contribute to the professionalization of the global events industry through its services and activities. UKEIA operates globally by establishing partnerships with companies, industry associations, governments, training and educational establishments to promote the professionalization of the events industry and to encourage the development of international standards in workplace practice and educational courses.
UKEIA is able to support educational organisations throughout the world that want to develop an events management curriculum to an international standard.
UKEIA is also able to formally recognise and endorse educational qualifications and professional development programmes that have been designed for the events industry through its Centre of Excellence scheme.
The UKEIA Centre of Excellence scheme has been designed to celebrate excellence in the design and delivery of events industry education and professional development courses. Universities, polytechnics and colleges that attain “Centre of Excellence” status can use the UKEIA logo to demonstrate that their courses have been benchmarked against the best in the world. For events professionals (or those people who want to develop their career in the events industry) UKEIA provides a number of Certified Event Qualifications that have been developed to an international standard. Through these programs event professionals can be confident that they have developed knowledge and experience of the events industry that is benchmarked to United Kingdom National Occupational Standards for the Events Industry.

The Chief Executive of UKEIA is Professor David Hind.